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Advertise in The Barrister…

and place your message before one of the largest professional groups in Camden County and Southern New Jersey – professionals with proven buying power!

When you place an advertisement in The Barrister you place your product or service message in front of a group of professionals that is a proven and consistent consumer of high-end products and services. Attorneys comprise one of the largest professional markets in Camden County—more than 5,000 and growing. The Barrister is your link to these professionals.

The Barrister arrives monthly in the inboxes of Camden County’s top legal professionals and is used as a resource over and over again. Additionally, each issue is posted on our website for added visibility. Our readers look to our advertisers for help in enhancing their law practices and serving their clients, as well as improving their personal and family lives. Take advantage of this opportunity to advertise in one of the largest professional markets in Camden County and the Southern New Jersey region. Advertise with the Camden County Bar Association today!

The Barrister Current Issue

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Please email Kara Edens Graser at [email protected]

Barrister Issue

Advertising Options

(All Advertising rates apply to each ad placed.)

Display Advertising

The display ad dimensions listed reflect the Trim size. Bleeds WILL NOT be accepted.

SIZE HIGH WIDE 1x 5x 10x
Full Page9.75”7.75”$750$675$640
Half Page Horizontal4.75”7.75”$380$345$320
Quarter Page4.75”3.75”$200$190$160
Eighth Page2.25”3.75”$100$90$85

Classified Ads

$30 Per Insertion – Maximum 3 lines

The following are general specifications for electronic files to be provided for advertisements. ALL display advertisements must be camera ready, meet size specifications and provided in one of these four listed formats:
  • PDF–If sending a PDF file, all fonts must be embedded to ensure proper reproduction. All artwork/photographs must have an original DPI of 300 or higher.
  • EPS–All fonts changed to outlines, document color mode set to CMYK and placed artwork/photographs must have an original DPI of 300 or higher with no scaling.
  • JPEG/TIFF–DPI of 300 or higher. Color mode set to CMYK, B&W art set to grayscale.

(NOTE: Microsoft Publisher files cannot be used and will not be accepted.)

If these specs are not followed—or a file type not listed above is provided—every effort will be made to produce the ad at a high quality, but is not guaranteed.

Ads MUST be received at Bar Headquarters no later than the 10th of the month PRIOR to publication to be included.

The Camden County Bar Association will accept all advertising that keeps within our publication standards of ethics and legality as long as the advertisement is not derogatory or demeaning and is in good taste.

  • First time advertisers must submit payment for their first ad run at time of submission.
  • Cancellations are not accepted after publishing date closes.
  • Design fees are assessed at $50 per hour with a minimum charge of $50 per design.
  • Artwork created by CCBA graphic artists can only be used in CCBA publications.

Kara Edens Grasser
Tel: 856-482-0620 Fax: 856-482-0637
[email protected]

1939 Marlton Pike East, Suite 120, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003